Kaoru Saito is a Professor in the Natural Environment Studies at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences at the University of Tokyo. Prof. Saito has been monitoring forest and recording sounds of living things for about 18 years. By developing “Cyber Forest”, he enabled transmission of recorded data. He has contributed to research and education of forest environment by representing its history of transition very clearly. He keeps his eyes on how a rise in nature experience changes the attitude of the people.
Kaoru Saito is a Professor in the Natural Environment Studies at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences at the University of Tokyo. Prof. Saito has been monitoring forest and recording sounds of living things for about 18 years. By developing “Cyber Forest”, he enabled transmission of recorded data. He has contributed to research and education of forest environment by representing its history of transition very clearly. He keeps his eyes on how a rise in nature experience changes the attitude of the people.