PI of the Kavli IPMU, UT
At the age of 24, Ooguri became the youngest tenured faculty member at the University of Tokyo. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo and was a full professor at UC Berkeley before becoming the Kavli Professor at California Institue of Technology (Caltech). He is also a Principal Investigator (PI) of the Kavli IPMU at the University of Tokyo. He is a world leader in elementary particle physics, especially in the area of superstring theory. He is also a dedicated teacher and outstanding science communicator.
PI of the Kavli IPMU, UT
At the age of 24, Ooguri became the youngest tenured faculty member at the University of Tokyo. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo and was a full professor at UC Berkeley before becoming the Kavli Professor at California Institue of Technology (Caltech). He is also a Principal Investigator (PI) of the Kavli IPMU at the University of Tokyo. He is a world leader in elementary particle physics, especially in the area of superstring theory. He is also a dedicated teacher and outstanding science communicator.