Hideaki Koizumi

Brain Machine Interface (BMI) and Ethics: For Human Security

TEDxTodai 2013
Sunday June 16, 2013
Hideaki Koizumi

Graduated from the Faculty of Liberal Arts, the University of Tokyo (Ph.D. in Physics). Hideaki Koizumi is a Fellow and Corporate Officer of Hitachi, Ltd., where he developed cutting-edge imaging technologies such as MRI・MRA・fMRI and near-infrared optical topography. This was the first big step in his work towards realizing the measurement of neuro-activity such as imagination and human learning. With a great love for the scientific approach, beginning with natural phenomena, he is continuing his endeavor to physically clarify mechanisms and is challenging those behind human activity such as philosophy and education. Peering through the lens of neuroscience, he discusses Ethics necessary for engineering as well as for society as a whole.

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