
小林 章 Akira kobayashi

モノタイプ社タイプディレクター。欧文書体の国際コンテストで2度のグランプリを獲得してドイツ在住。世界的な書体デザイナー、H. ツァップ氏や A.フルティガー氏と共同で書体を開発。書体に関する著書多数。コンテストの審査員も務める。

He won two grand prizes at international typeface design competitions and currently resides in Germany. He developed typefaces in collaboration with the renowned font designers Prof. H. Zapf and Mr. A. Frutiger. He has many publications on typefaces and also serves as a jury member in prestigious international typeface design competitions.

舘 知宏 Tomohiro Tachi

東京大学大学院総合文化研究科助教。博士(工学)。研究領域は折紙、構造形態学、数理デザイン、ファブリケーションと多岐にわたる。2002年から折紙のデザインを始め、現在はコンピュータを利用して3次元の動的な折紙を追求している。「rigid origami simulator」、「origamizer」、「freeform origami」といった折紙のソフトウェアを開発し、これらは自身のウェブサイトにて公開されている。

Tomohiro Tachi is an assistant professor in Graphic and Computer Sciences at the University of Tokyo. He studied architecture and received his Ph.D. degree in Engineering from the University of Tokyo.​ ​He has been designing origami from 2002 and keeps exploring three-dimensional and kinematic origami through computation. He developed​ ​origami software tools including "rigid origami simulator", "origamizer", and "freeform origami", which are available from his​ ​website. His research interests include origami, structural morphology, computational design, and fabrication.

岡部 洋一 Yoichi Okabe


Currently studying in the the College of Liberal Arts at the Open University of Japan, he was once the president of the same university calling for open learning. He is well-known to both inside and outside students due to his friendly personality on social network. He earned a PhD in Engineering from the University of Tokyo and was also a professor emeritus of the University of Tokyo.

村井 純 Jun Murai


Established Japan’s first network-to-network connectivity “JUNET” in 1984 and launched the WIDE Project in 1984. He has devoted himself to developing and disseminating the Internet network, leading to multilingual support including Japanese. He serves as a member of IT general strategy headquarters and other ministries and agency committee chief investigators as well as participating in international conferences. Awarded with ISOC’s “Internet Hall of Fame” in 2013. He is well known as "Father of the Internet of Japan".

浅川 純 Jun Asakawa


Jun Asakawa is Ph.D candidate of the department of aeronautics and astronautics of the University of Tokyo. His main interest is propulsion systems for micro-satellites. He has experiences of developing two propulsion systems. Now he is a project investigator (PI) of the water micro-propulsion system to be equipped with deep space exploration satellite “EQUULEUS” launched in 2019.

中里 龍造 Ryuzo Nakazato

東京造形大学造形学部デザイン学科映画専攻卒業。在学中の2013年「現実のゆるぎなさをほどく視点を探求する」クリエイティブ・コレクティブ DAYDREAM THEATER を立ち上げる。現在、同チームで北海道道東エリアで映画制作プロジェクトを準備中。

Graduate of Tokyo Zokei University, Faculty of Zokei, Department of Design, Film Major. Launched “To Explore the the Viewpoint of Unwinding Reality” Creative Collectives DAYDREAM THEATER as a student, in 2013. Currently working on a film production project in East Hokkaido with the same team.

田中 みずき Mizuki Tanaka


A craftsman who creates mural paintings such as Mt. Fuji in the bathroom of Sento (Japanese communal bath house). She was once a journal editor and an art critic’s website writer and editor in chief. However, she has chosen to follow the path of Sento mural painter while collaborating in paintings for corporate advertising and doing a workshop.

(photo by ガヂヲ)

南谷 真鈴 Marin Minamiya

早稲田大学在籍中。1歳半より父親の転勤で12年間海外在住。2016年7月4日、日本人最年少で世界七大陸最高峰を制覇。その後2016年1月に到達した南極点と4月の北極点到達により世界最年少で探検家グランドスラムの記録を樹立。2016年12月より女性初のユニクロ グローバルブランドアンバサダーに就任。

Currently studying in Waseda University, Marin Minamiya became the youngest Japanese who has ever conquered the Seven Summits on July 4, 2016. Taking into account her achievement to reach the south pole in January 2016 and the north pole in April 2017, she became the world’s youngest person ever to complete the Explorers Grand Slam. In December 2016, she was chosen as the first woman ever to be Uniqlo’s global brand ambassador. She was one and a half years old when her father was relocated. She has lived abroad for 12 years since then.


寶船 Takarabune


An entertainment group challenging the possibilities of Japanese performing arts, with Awa Odori as their main axis. They are now recognized as the only professional Awa Odori Group in Japan after becoming a corporation in 2012. Ever since their first world tour in 2014, they have expanded their activities to 250 stages a year, 18 cities worldwide. They also actively collaborate with other fields such as forming a unit with DJs.

stage host

梶谷 真司 Shinji Kajitani

東京大学大学院総合文化研究科教授。共生のための国際哲学研究センター(UTCP)センター長。専門は哲学、医療史、比較文化。最近では身近な問いから自由に考え深め、広げていく「哲学対話」のプロジェクトを推進。小中学校、地域社会、高齢者の集まりなど、様々なコミュニティにおいて、多様な人たちが共に語り、考える場を作っている。去年のTEDxUTokyo 2016 “VIVID VISION”にもスピーカーとして登壇。

Shinji Kajitani is a professor at the University of Tokyo’s Graduate School of Arts and Science and the director of the University of Tokyo’s Center for Philosophy. He specializes in philosophy, medical history and comparative cultural studies. At the Center for Philosophy, he promotes Philosophical Dialogue by asking participants simple questions encouraging them to think openly and deeply throughout the process. This project has been practiced by many communities, from school children to the elderly and from the city to the countryside. He has enabled people from various backgrounds to come together, meet, talk and think in a philosophical way. Gave a presentation at TEDxUTokyo 2016 “VIVID VISION” as a speaker.

WoWキツネザル WoW kitsunezaru




A one and only character MC, WoWkitsunezaru.

A stage host taking part in innovative and entertaining events, with a motif of a wild creature in Madagascar: Lemur catta. He makes everyone from young to old enthused with his attractive voice and unique appearance in various type of events. He became the partner character of the Embassy of Madagascar in 2016. Do not miss the “stylish fool” monkey MC!

安村 さくら Sakura Yasumura


Journalist who dances. Majored in Latin American cultural studies at College of Arts and Science, University of Tokyo. During her freshman year, she was introduced to Flamenco dance and found her passion in the fun of dancing and body expressions. Her goal is to “keep dancing until I become a grandma”. What would she need to do to achieve her goal? Let’s see how she’s working on it.